I. Introduction of spark Driver
Spark Driver
controls the workflow and Spark workers launches executors responsible for
executing part of the job submitted to spark driver through cluster node. Spark
driver has few components: 1) RDD 2) Scheduler 3) Serializer 4) Shuffle. Spark
Worker has two components: 1) Task and 2) Block Manager.
1) RDD: Resilient
Distributed Datasets (RDD) is a basic abstraction in Spark. RDD represents a
partitioned collection of elements that can be operated on in parallel.
2) Scheduler:
Spark’s scheduler uses representation of RDDs. Scheduler assigns task to
machines based on data locality using delay scheduling.
3) Serializer: Spark
sterilizer that uses Java’s built-in serializer. It is used for stream of
reading serializer object.
4) Shuffle: In
Spark, Shuffle creates a large number of shuffles (M*R). Shuffle refers to
maintaining a shuffle file for each partition which is the same as the number
of reduce task R per core C rather than per Map task M. Every machine needs to
handle only C*R number of shuffle rather than M*R.
Fig. 1. Spark Driver Execution flow
II. optimization and latency hiding
A. Optimization in Spark
In Apache Spark,
Optimization implements using Shuffling techniques. In this paper we use
shuffling technique for optimization. The optimize shuffle performance two
possible approaches are 1) To emulate Spark behavior by merging intermediate 2)
To create large shuffle files 3) Use columnar compression to shift bottleneck
to CPU. For shuffling shuffle data is required. Spark compressibility was low
and involves significant computation and metadata maintenance for splitting
data into columns on map side and reconstructing them into rows on reduce side.
One of the key
optimization factors was the Shuffle. With other two factors was sorting
algorithm and the external sorting service. In this paper choose optimize
shuffle file performance in the Spark distributed computing platform.
Lack of
iteration support
latency due to persisting intermediate data onto diak
B. Latency Hididng in Spark
Apache Spark which
has taken the strength of Hadoop and made improvements in a Hadoop’s weakness
and provides more efficient batch processing framework with a much lower
latency. Prefetching is a latency hiding technique. It has to increase
parallelism of tasks so as to keep the CPU busy by fetching the data before it
is required.
Prefetching has
several factors. Emerging trends such as putting data and services into the
cloud and services will suffer from latency. A real-time data prefetching
algorithm based on when pushing shuffle files prior to the completion of the
map phase.
III. shuffle overview
Shuffle Phase is a
component of Spark Driver. A shuffle is a communication between one input RDD
and an Output RDD. Each shuffle has a fixed number of mappers and a fixed
number of reduce partitions. Shuffle writer and Shuffle reader handle the I/O
for a particular task, operating on iteration of RDD elements. When a shuffle
has an Aggtrgator, the Shuffle Manager and its readers and writers are
responsible for external spilling.
Shuffle works in two
stages: 1) Shuffle writes intermediate files to disk and 2) fetch by the next
stage of tasks.
Shuffle operation is implemented differently in
Spark compared to Hadoop. The values of M and R in Hadoop are much lesser. The
number of shuffle files in Spark scales with M*R , a smaller number of map task
and reduce task may provide more justification for the way Spark handles
Shuffle files on the map side .
Fig.2. Shuffle Work
A. Map Side Shuffle
Each map task in
Spark writes outs a shuffle file for every reducer. These files are not
intermediately in the sense that Spark does not merge them into large
partition. Since scheduling overhead in Spark is much lesser the no. of mappers
(M) and reducers ® is higher than in Hadoop. Thus, shipping M*R files to the
respective reduces could result in significant overheads.
Spark also provides
a parameter to specify compression libraries to compress map outputs. It could
be default. Default uses 33KB of buffer for each open file and significantly
reduces risk of encountering out-of-memory error.
B. Reduce side Shuffle
A major difference
between Hadoop and Spark is on the reduce side. Spark requires to all shuffle
data to fit in memory of the corresponding reduce task. Where the reducer task
demands all shuffle data for a GroupByKey or a ReduceByKey operation. Spark
throws an out-of-memory exception. The Shuffle is a pull operation in spark
compared to push operation in Hadoop.
Each Reducer should
also maintain a network buffer to map outputs. Size of the buffer is Specified
through the parameter.
IV. shuffle techniques
Spark Shuffling uses
two techniques: 1) Sort-based Shuffle 2) Hash-based Shuffle.
A. Sort-based Shuffle
A sort-based Shuffle
can be more scalable than Spark’s current hash-based one because it doesn’t
require writing a separate file for each reduce task from each mapper.
Each map task will
produce one or more output files sorted by a key’s partition ID, then
merge-sort them to a single output file. Once the map tasks produce files,
reduces will be able to request ranges of files to get their particular data.
An index file for each output file saying where each partition is located and
update the Block Manager to support using this index.
Map tasks will write data through a
SortedFileWriter that creates one or more sorted files merge them and then
creates an index file for the merged file. The SortedFileWriter must reset
compression and serialization streams when writing each range.
SortedFileWriter will works as
1) Given a stream of incoming key-value
pairs, first write them into buckets in memory based on their partition ID. This
bucket can be ArrayBuffers for each partition ID.
2) When the total size of the buckets gets
too large, write the current in-memory output to a new file. This intermediate
file will contain a header saying at which position each partition ID.
Fig. 2.Sort-Based
3) After all intermediate files
are written, merge-sort them into a final file.
4) When writing the final file reset the
serialization and compression streams after writing each partition and track
the byte position of each partition to create an index file.
Reduce Tasks will fetch and hash together
data the same way use ExternalAppendOnlyMap. They merge all spilled files at
once if there are a huge amount of files.
B. Hash-based Shuffle
A hash-based shuffle is default in shuffling
data but starting in spark 1.1. There is an experimental sort-based shuffle
that is more memory-efficient in environments with small executors. The mapper
reduce the amount of the increase based on the performance of hash-based
realization of shuffle sort of performance.
Hash shuffle into a set of 64
subdirectories created on each disk. Hash shuffle large number of random writes
when each shuffle is relatively small. A hash-based shuffle required a hash
shuffle reader to read the intermediate file from mapper side. Hash-based
shuffle are use to BlockStoreShuffle to store the shuffle file and resize into
the shuffle.
Fig. 3.Hash-Based Shuffle
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